1. acc.chem. res.: 关于如何跨越结构到应用的鸿沟的深思
juanzhu yan,boon k. teo , and nanfeng zheng*. surface chemistry of atomically precisecoinage–metal nanoclusters: from structural control to surface reactivity andcatalysis[j]. acc. chem. res., 2018
1.h. yang, y. wang, h. huang, l. gell, l. lehtovaara, s. malola, h.hakkinen, n. zheng, all-thiol-stabilizedag44 and au12ag32 nanoparticles withsingle-crystal structures[j]. nat. commun., 2013, 4.
2.y. wang, x. k. wan, l. ren, h. su, g. li, s. malola, s. lin, z. tang, h.hakkinen, b. k. teo, q. m. wang, n.zheng, atomically precise alkynyl-protected metal nanoclusters as a modelcatalyst: observation of promoting effect of surface ligands on catalysis bymetal nanoparticles[j]. j. am. chem.soc., 2016,138, 3278-3281.
3.h. yang, y. wang, x. chen, x. zhao, l. gu, h. huang, j. yan, c. xu, g. li, j.wu, a. j. edwards, b. dittrich, z. tang, d. wang, l. lehtovaara, h. hakkinen, n. zheng, plasmonic twinned silvernanoparticles with molecular precision[j]. nat. commun., 2016, 7,12809.
2. acc.chem. res.: ag基分子纳米颗粒的前世今生
有机配体保护的原子级精确的ag基纳米团簇已经迅猛发展,由于其类分子的性质,并被广泛应用于各个领域。美国托莱多大学terryp. bigioni教授是硫醇保护的ag基纳米团簇界公认的先驱人物之一,其代表工作为硫醇保护的具有原子级精确结构的ag44,为推动硫醇保护的ag基纳米团簇的发展做出了重要贡献。本篇综述中,terry p. bigioni教授详细介绍了ag基分子纳米颗粒的前世今生,并对其后续的应用发展做出了展望。
badribhattarai, yeakub zaker, aydar atnagulov, bokwon yoon, uzi landman, and terryp. bigioni*. chemistry and structure of silver molecular nanoparticles[j]. acc. chem. res., 2018
doi: 10.1021/acs.accounts.8b00445
terry p.bigioni教授
1.desireddy a, conn b e, guo j, bigioni,t. p. et al. ultrastable silver nanoparticles[j]. nature, 2013, 501(7467):399.
2.kumar, s., bolan, m. d., & bigioni,t. p. glutathione-stabilized magic-number silver cluster compounds[j]. j. am. chem. soc., 2010, 132(38): 13141-13143.
3. acc.chem. res.: 合金团簇之混合搭配,精准合成
有机配体保护的贵金属纳米团簇合金化一直是该领域的重要研究方向,合金化可以改变纳米团簇的物化性质,如稳定性和光学性质等。东京理科大学的yuichi negishi教授课题组一直致力于合金纳米团簇的精准合成与分离纯化,在合金纳米团簇领域取得了许多重要的成果。在本篇综述中,yuichi negishi教授详细介绍了其课题组在硫醇保护的au基合金纳米团簇中取得的进展,重点探讨了不同异金属取代的位点问题。
sakiat hossain, yoshiki niihori, lakshmi v.nair, bharat kumar, wataru kurashige, and yuichi negishi*.alloyclusters: precise synthesis and mixing effects[j]. acc.chem. res., 2018
doi: 10.1021/acs.accounts.8b00453
yuichi negishi教授
1.y. negishi,* t. nakazaki, s. malola,s. takano, y. niihori, w. kurashige, s. yamazoe, t. tsukuda,* h. häkkinen*. acritical size for emergence of nonbulk electronic and geometric structures indodecanethiolate-protected au clusters[j]. j. am. chem. soc., 2015, 137, 1206-1212.
2.y. niihori, m. matsuzaki, t. pradeep,* y.negishi*. separation of precise compositions of noble metal clustersprotected with mixed ligands[j]. j. am.chem. soc., 2013, 135,4946-4949.
3.y. negishi, n. k. chaki, y.shichibu, r. l. whetten, t. tsukuda*. origin of magic stability of thiolatedgold clusters: a case study on au25(sc6h13)18[j].j. am. chem. soc., 2007, 129, 11322-11323.
4. acc.chem. res.: 合金纳米团簇背后的化学
合金纳米团簇已经成为有机配体保护的币金属团簇中的一个重要分支,从单一组分的金属团簇变成多元合金团簇为后续改良性质和应用提供了极大便利。阿卜杜拉国王科技大学的osman m. bakr教授课题组在纳米团簇合金化方向同样做出了重要贡献,其代表工作为硫醇保护的明星团簇ag25,以及agm25合金团簇。在本篇综述中,osman m. bakr教授将详细介绍合金纳米团簇的合成策略以及纳米团簇合金化对物理化学性质的改变,并对合金纳米团簇的后续应用进行了展望。
atanu ghosh,omar f. mohammed, and osman m. bakr*. atomic-level doping of metal clusters[j]. acc. chem.res., 2018
doi: 10.1021/acs.accounts.8b00412
bakr, o. m.教授
1.joshi, c. p.; bootharaju, m. s.; alhilaly, m. j.; and bakr, o. m.: [ag25(sr)18]:the "golden" silver nanoparticle[j], j. am. chem. soc., 2015, 137(36), 11578-11581.
2.bootharaju, m. s.; joshi, c. p.; parida, m. r.; mohammed, o. f.; and bakr, o. m., templated atom-precisegalvanic synthesis and total structure of [ag24au1(sr)18]-nanocluster[j]. angew. chem. int. ed.,2016, 55 (3), 922-926.
5. acc.chem. res.: 纳米团簇自组装行为学研究
纳米团簇自组装行为学研究是有机配体保护的贵金属团簇领域一个新兴的方向,以原子级精确的纳米团簇为基本结构单元可进行一维,二维乃至三维的自组装。印度理工学院马德拉斯分校的thalappil pradeep教授在该方向取得了一系列推动性的进展,代表性工作为au25与环糊精自组装体,ag29与富勒烯自组装体。本篇综述中,thalappilpradeep教授将对纳米团簇自组装方向的最新进展进行归纳总结,并对该方向后续的发展给出了自己的见解。
paprichakraborty, abhijit nag, amrita chakraborty, and thalappilpradeep*. approaching materialswith atomic precision using supramolecular cluster assemblies[j]. acc. chem. res., 2018
doi: 10.1021/acs.accounts.8b00369
thalappil pradeep教授
1.amrita chakraborty, ann candice fernandez, t.pradeep, et al. atomically precise nanocluster assemblies encapsulatingplasmonic gold nanorods[j]. angew. chem. int. ed. 2018,57:1–6.
2.papri chakraborty, abhijit nag, ganesan paramasivam, ganapati natarajan, and t. pradeep, fullerene functionalizedmonolayer protected silver clusters: [ag29(bdt)12(c60)n]3-(n=1-9) [j]. acs nano., 2018, 12:2415–2425
3.k. r. krishnadas, atanu ghosh, ananya baksi, indranath chakraborty, ganapatinatarajan and t. pradeep, inter-clusterreactions between au25(sr)18 and ag44(sr)30[j]. j. am. chem. soc. 2016, 138:140–148
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